Magic Stone
A chunk of the legendary metal can increase your chances when upgrading an item. The upgraded item can then neither be destroyed nor downgraded.
Orc Amulet
An amulet which encourages Orcs during battle.
A silky ball of thread.
Yeti Fur
The fur of the legendary creature, the Yeti, that protects against the cold.
Demon's Gem
A gem that is known for holding the souls of the dead.
Flaming Mane
A flaming mane thread that is used to make winter clothes.
Snake Tail
The scaly, multicoloured tail of a rattlesnake.
A throwing weapon that Ninja warriors use.
Piece of Ice
A clump of frozen water that consistently exudes cold air.
A flag to mark savage troops.
Scorpion Claw
The sturdy looking claw from the tentacle of a scorpion.
Spider Web
A spider uses its silk to make its home.
Spider Eyes
Spider eyes are a favourite with collectors.
Spider Legs
Shamans use the hairy legs of spiders at work.
Frog's Legs
An exotic cooking ingredient, that tastes like chicken!
A throwing weapon used by Ninja warriors.
Orc Amulet+
An amulet that encourages Orcs during battle.
Orc Tooth+
A yellow-brown, vile smelling tooth of an Orc. On the edges there are indefinable, crusty residues.
Curse Book+
This Esoteric Book can be used to curse someone.
Snake Tail+
The scaly, colourful tail of a rattlesnake.
Demon's Gem+
A gem that is known for holding the souls of the dead.
Yeti Fur+
The fur of the legendary creature, the Yeti, protects against the cold.
Ice Marble+
A marble made from ice. It does not melt in the hot weather.
Orc Club
An ugly weapon with robust thorns.
Quartz Sand
This sand seems to serve the stone creatures in the desert as blood.
Blue Crystal
A piece of crystal from the Dragon's Temple, which reinforces dark powers.